225 top version Balenciaga Tower Tower Paris Night in Paris, Paris Family Makes Dirty Cave Wash Hooded Holding Holding Holding Holding Holding Holding Holding Hood
2024-01-20 16:52:21
225顶级版本BALENCIAGA铁塔巴黎之夜巴黎世家做旧做脏破洞水洗连帽帽衫卫衣YB13W购入价55K购入原版定向开发460克双股双纱毛圈面料成衣克重高达12公斤后背印花The use of Kangli Digital Direct injection process is extremely slow, especially the Yunmu color on the iron tower is too delicate and very delicate. Very time -consuming whole clothes made 3 water washing fabrics First pre -shrinking and shrinking. After the old water washed, wash the color of the printed surface out of the old feeling. The focus of more than 3 times before the coating is that the coating behind it is the process that really makes people vomit blood. It must be brushed back and forth 20 times to make the coating printing evenly. After the clothes are sprayed, after the wax washing, the fabric feel is smooth after washing the wax. Poor crafts are troublesome to return orders for 15 days. Look at this time.